Return Policy Information
Customers may return new, unopened items within 30 days of delivery for a full refund. All refunds go to the original credit card. A full refund will be due provided the return is received within the return window and the result of the return is caused by us.
Return Shipping
If you decide to cancel your order after it has shipped, you will be responsible for all shipping cost (the return shipping cost and the destination cost). FedEx will not return a delivery cancellation request until it arrives at the destination city. We do not charge re-stocking fees. The Cozy sack boxes are large and heavy causing the shipping cost to be expensive. The shipping cost is included in the price for all of our products. Please make sure that you have sufficient floor space for the size you purchase. If you want to return your purchase after it has been taken out of the box, you are responsible for the return shipping cost. Special arrangements might be made to accommodate your situation. Please feel free to use our contact form to tell us if what you've received is too big, too small, too hard, too soft or the wrong color.
Extended Holiday Return Policy
Due to the large amount of activity, items received during the holiday period will have an extended return period; The holiday period starts the 1st of November and ends the 31st of December. Items purchased during this period will have January 31st as the extended return date.
The one year warranty covers the purchaser for defects in material and workmanship which includes seams and zipper. We will repair or replace any defects as long as they were not caused by abuse, pets, accidents or normal wear and tear. Please use our form to contact us.
Additional Questions
We take great pride in all of our products and our excellent customer service record. If you have any return related questions please feel free to use our form to contact us.
Customer Satisfaction Guarantee
When you buy a Cozy sack you are purchasing 35 years of manufacturing experience. We manufacture a good product at a good price and guarantee you will receive a quality product. If you are not satisfied with your purchase, please contact us.